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Trying something new with a blog...

Writer's picture: jackfar3jackfar3

Updated: Jan 24


I'm always looking for something to tinker around with, with my project, and thought I'd maybe try a blog type thing where I can post updates, new music progress and generally be a bit more engaged with my own website, rather than have it be a static portfolio that I only update occasionally.

I'm not sure how frequent I'll be with these, but, it might be something new and interesting for me to do and put my brain to. I do sometimes feel as though I need to put my thoughts about my work into somewhere beyond social media, anyway.

Disclaimer: I'm not much of a writer but let's see how this goes, as this might be a bit of a spitball/throwing thoughts at this, and nor will it probably be the most formal in tone...


These last couple of months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me personally... What with celebrating friends birthdays, going to gigs and seeing friends, family, turning 30 (somehow), and in the middle of all of that - in my infinite wisdom... Fracturing my leg.

I won't go into the details as to how, obviously, but it was self inflicted and it very much put a hard stop on my plans for December, as I was supposed to be going on holiday that month which naturally didn't happen due to my injury.

I can normally get pretty downbeat about this kind of thing, but in retrospect I think I've handled it well. Even if it was painful to mess up all the carefully laid plans my twin sister and I had for our 30th, as I was supposed to going holiday with her and the family. Though that's probably in part due to the mountain of things I've had to clear up and sort with all this keeping me busy.

But hey, most of the dust has settled now, I'm still here and as I've heard a thousand times by now - it could have been worse. So I've just got focus on (literally) getting back on my feet.


On the music side of things, which is the purpose of this website after all... I've released a new album entitled "The Great Eviscerator" at the beginning of December, which if you're familiar at all with my industrial output, it will be something you know I loved creating.

I've always enjoyed pushing the limits of noise, harmony, texture and distorion with this genre. So, this project was a great deal of fun to put together, and I hope that comes across when listening to it! You can find it on SoundCloud below:

It's had some good reception so far, save for the fact with everything going on in my day-to-day I've not had much time to focus on properly promoting it since it released. As it is, I plan my releases for the year, in the preceeding one so it was too late to pull the album anyway.

Nevertheless, I feel that I've found a steady audience for what I do these days, and in the spirit of the late, great, David Lynch I'm going to keep making the art I want to make.

I've got plenty more to work on in the meantime, for as much as my leg will allow me too. It's not too fond of me being sat down in one place for too long which is why I've not been streaming lately.

I do hope to get to back normality soon though, as having had an organise of all my project files I've actually had to take notice of the scale of my "to-do" pile which is staring at me to be cleared.

It's all part of the fun of creating though. I'll probably go more in depth on this in a later post, but one of the better thoughts I've had about what I make is to bin off the idea of "The Numbers". It's a trap that a lot of artists, or creatives of all kinds can fall into, especially those of us that mostly work online and use social media to get our stuff out there.

I did this myself a couple of years back where I'd got caught up with chasing numbers and social media algorithms, and you kind of lose sight of the people you've actually connected with and get down about things cause the number in the corner isn't big enough, in your opinion.

It was kind of my fault though for letting all those "music marketing experts" get in my head really, but again that can be a topic for another post in the future...

At the end of the day, through Instagram and Twitch in particular I've made a good few friends through my guitar playing, my music, and live-streaming. So it's good to remind myself of that sometimes. Make the art you want to make and focus on the people you've connected with really, which I guess is where I'm at when it comes to social media and my music.

With this blog, as I get back into regular music work, I may get more technical and more "into the weeds" with my thoughts, processes, and what I'm doing/planning. But, the tone won't go into a full formal thing cause that's not really my style. Although, it'll be nice to maybe start talking about my processes a bit more as I've not done much of that since I was studying at university.

Honestly, it's something I kind of miss doing. To the extent that I've even ordered some music technology books for me to read, as a way of getting back to refreshing my learning and get myself thinking like that again, in a way that doesn't involve watching things on YouTube.

YouTube music producers/musicians can be great, don't get me wrong, there's plenty of great knowledgeable producers on there, but sitting down to read and study is just something I've not done for a while.

Anyway, closing this first one out, I just want to say a heartfelt thanks to anyone who's offered well-wishes or get well cards since my injury, birthday and festive wishes, anyone that's checked out my music or just generally offered support and love over what's been a mad couple of months. I see you, and I appreciate you.

Catch you soon.

Peace, love,

The Jafro

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