I'm always looking for something to tinker around with, with my project, and thought I'd maybe try a blog type thing where I can post updates, new music progress and generally be a bit more engaged with my own website, rather than have it be a static portfolio that I only update occasionally.
I'm not sure how frequent I'll be with these, but, it might be something new and interesting for me to do and put my brain to. I do sometimes feel as though I need to put my thoughts about my work into somewhere beyond social media, anyway.
Disclaimer: I'm not much of a writer but let's see how this goes, as this might be a bit of a spitball/throwing thoughts at this, and nor will it probably be the most formal in tone...
These last couple of months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me personally... What with celebrating friends birthdays, going to gigs and seeing friends, family, turning 30 (somehow), and in the middle of all of that - in my infinite wisdom... Fracturing my leg.
I won't go into the details as to how, obviously, but it was self inflicted and it very much put a hard stop on my plans for December, as I was supposed to be going on holiday that month which naturally didn't happen due to my injury.
I can normally get pretty downbeat about this kind of thing, but in retrospect I think I've handled it well. Even if it was painful to mess up all the carefully laid plans my twin sister and I had for our 30th, as I was supposed to going holiday with her and the family. Though that's probably in part due to the mountain of things I've had to clear up and sort with all this keeping me busy.
But hey, most of the dust has settled now, I'm still here and as I've heard a thousand times by now - it could have been worse. So I've just got focus on (literally) getting back on my feet.